10 Qualities Of Kush Hemp You Should Know

 The qualities of kush hemp depend on the strain you are using. Let us check the top 10 strains that are used popularly.

10 strains of kush hemp

  1.     West Slope Kush

This is one of the best strains you will find online. It has as low as 0.76 THC content making it one of the safest strains to smoke. It is mainly consumed for its 20.5% CBD percentage.

  1.     Sour Blueberry Kush

Sour Blueberry Kush has 0.66% THC and 19.14% CBD. It is ideal for all adults for relaxation without causing fogginess in the mind.

  1.     OG Hemp Kush

OG Hemp Kush contains as much as 16.3% CBD and 0.46% THC. This strain does not have CBG and is considered to be safe for smoking.

  1.     Bubba Kush Hemp

Bubba Kush hemp is one of the most popular strains that are used for CBD benefits. This strain can be smoked regularly without causing any side effects.

  1.     Candy Kush

This kush hemp strain contains a low percentage of CBD but a high percentage of THC (almost 18%).

  1.     Bubble Kush

This is another strain that is consumed for its high THC content (19%). It causes psychoactive effects among smokers.

  1.     Pineapple kush hemp

This strain has a balanced THC level offering a tangy pineapple taste to savor in every puff.

  1.     Fat banana

As its name suggests, this kush hemp strain contains as much as 25% THC. It is sold with absolute caution due to its mind-fogging effects.

  1.     Hulkberry

This strain contains 28% THC and is bought only by experienced smokers. Novice smokers should stay away from this strain.

  1. Royal Kush

This kush hemp has relatively low THC content (13%) and can be used for mild and dreamy hallucinations.

These are the top 10 qualities of kush hemp. Make sure you check the THC level before buying a strain.


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