The Best Hemp Buds that Taste Like Regular THC Marijuana
Do you enjoy the earthy taste of smoking marijuana? It’s common for people to like the flavor, despite it being unique and strong. However, not everyone wants to get high—it limits their productivity, possibly preventing them from completing simple tasks. Luckily, there’s still a way for you to get the taste and smell of marijuana without actually feeling any psychoactive effects. How is this possible? The answer is hemp buds . Hemp buds are arguably the best alternative to weed. They are similar in appearance, taste, and smell; the only difference is that hemp doesn’t give you the same type of high that marijuana does. Of course, this doesn’t mean that smoking hemp doesn’t have any effects. The buds put you into a calming and relaxing state thanks to its low THC content. Here are some of the best hemp buds that taste just like regular THC marijuana: 1. Special Sauce Looking for a high CBD strain to promote sleep and relaxation? Special Sauce...